- Do not install DW Spectrum 6.x or 5.1.x on system using Windows 7, Ubuntu 16.04, or any older operating system versions.

- Attempting to install v5.1.x or v6.0 on an unsupported OS will cause unrecoverable damage to the system.

- You may refer to the Tested Operating Systems section below for the supported Operating System.

- DW-BJMINI are not supported in 5.1.x and higher version (supports up to 5.0)


DW Spectrum Release note for


l  Build Number: 40414

l  Password: xo2xhe



l  These release notes cover changes implemented since the latest major release (6.0.0).

l  The release includes and


l  Support for Raspberry Pi 3 is discontinued.

l  Support for Ubuntu 18.04 will be discontinued in the next major release (6.1).

l  Support for MacOS 11 will be discontinued in the next major release (6.1).

l  Support for Raspberry OS 10 will be discontinued in the next major release (6.1).


l  Added support for Ubuntu 24.04.


l  JPG is set as the default format when saving screenshots as it is a few times smaller than PNG.

l  Improved settings of the Mute action: add the Alt + U hotkey and a button for local media files

l  Added the "Mute incoming sound" button for the layout items. It is enabled if the "Play audio from all cameras on layout" local setting is enabled.

l  Once the sound is played on an item on the layout, the corresponding item will highlight.

l  On NXE VCA Cameras, the ROI config was not applied after camera restart. Fixed.

l  Improved the hardware acceleration device selection algorithm if a PC has multiple video adapters.

l  In order to get better quality of screen recordings shared with the Support team, the default resolution for Screen Recording is set to "Native".

l  The permission for rendering with hardware acceleration has changed since Ubuntu 20.04. To support that, the Server user which is created during the installation, has been granted the rendering permission.

l  The warning message when using Digest Authentication is improved.

l  The "Ctrl + Alt + S" shortcut interfered with some national characters as a keyboard shortcut to "Save Layout as..." instead of "Ctrl + Shift + S". Now only "Ctrl + Shift + S" works.

l  Bookmark search is improved.

l  Japanese translations in Web Admin are improved.


l  IPCAM Cameras now work with the Milesight Analytics Plugin.

l  Alibi Cameras now work with the Uniview Analytics Plugin.

l  Face recognition did not work for Hikvision cameras. Fixed.

l  Analytics Object Detected rules were not properly triggered if the attributes contained the Allow / Deny lists. Fixed.

l  Axis analytics improved: Object Tracking is introduced.

l  On Hikvision cameras, multiple notifications could be triggered for a single analytic object. Fixed.

l  Native best shots for non-LPR objects are supported on Hikvision cameras.

l  Axis cameras did not send LPR metadata after upgrading to 6.x. Fixed.

l  Advanced Object Search did not list all the objects available. Fixed.


l  Provision ISR I6-320LPR-MVF2 is added to the mx9 analytics plugin.

l  On some DW cameras, the expert option "Do not send Stop PTZ command" was missing after upgrading to 6.0. Fixed.


l  Devices Specific Fixes:

o    Fixed PTZ issues on Hikvision DS-2ZMN2507C-HT, DS-2CD6D55G2-IZHS.

o    Dual-Streaming was disabled on Aiphone Video Door Station IX-DV

o    Hikvision DS-2DE4225IW-DE was detected as a regular ONVIF camera with Hikvision specific capabilities unavailable. Fixed.

o    Truvision TVLP-S01-0402-BULx is detected as Hikvision to enable Hikvision-specific features.

o    The Axis TU9002 joystick is now supported on Ubuntu.

o    Fixed streaming issues on the FLIR AI series cameras.

o    Fixed issues with Optex Lidar cameras.

o    The Axis 2N SIP Horn speaker did not initialize properly. Fixed,

o    Stream from Aira Tablets did not show up in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

o    Server did not use the H.265 profile on Honeywell cameras. Fixed.

o    Server could reset time settings on Hikvision cameras after addition or Server restart. Fixed.

o    Hikvision DS-9032HUHI-K8 was displayed as a multi-sensor camera instead of NVR. Fixed.

o    Alarm input events are now supported on Hikvision DS-2TD1228x.

o    OEM camera IPC-Color4K-T-3.6mm is recognized as Dahua with all analytics capabilities.

o    Axis D4100-E could not be added. Fixed.

o    On Hikvision iDS-2CD7A46G0/P-IZHSY, bookmarks were created with wrong timestamps (one hour in the future). Fixed.

o    The stream from Reolink RLC-812A could not be displayed in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

o    Sound only devices (i.e. AXIS 1004E speaker) did not play sound after switching between layouts. Fixed.

l  Newly Supported Devices:

o    The Axis TU9002 joystick is now supported on Ubuntu.

o    Hikvision DS-2TD1228-2/QA bi-spectrum camera.

l  Encoders added to the analog list:

o    Dahua NVR608H

o    Axis M71xx

o    Uniview UV-XVR301x

o    Dahua NVR E56_NVR4COM3

o    Hikvision iDS-7204HUHI

l  Multisensor Cameras:

o    Hikvision DS-2SF8C442MX, DS-2TD4137-25/WY, DS-2SE7C432MW-AEB, DS-2TD4136x

o    Avigilon 15C-H4A-3MH-180, CAM 2-2 6.0C-H5DH-DO1-IR

o    Dahua BF1241

o    Hanwha PNM-9085

o    Milesight MS-C5321-FPE, NC5321-FPE

o    Axis P3735PLE, P47x

o    Uniview IPC28184EA-ADX5K-F40-I1, IPC3222SS-ADF28K-I1, IPC3222SS-ADF40K-I1, IPC3224SS-ADF28K-I1, IPC3224SS-ADF40K-I1, IPC68188EFW-X25-F40G-VH, IPC8544EA-KM-I1, IPC9312LFW-AF28-2X4, IPC94144SFW-X25-F40C, IPC94144SR-X25-F40C, IPC8645EA-ADZKM-I1, IPC98246EFW-X42-W-VH1, TIC2621SR-F3-4F4AC-VD, TIC2A32SA-F10-4F8AC-I1, TIC2A32SA-F3-4F4AC-I1, TIC2A32SA-F7-4F6AC-I1, TIC3612SA-F2-4F3AC-I1, TIC3612SA-F3-4F4AC-I1, TIC3612SA-F7-4F6AC-I1, TIC7626EL-GAF75-4X56-VH1

o    Axis M5000, P3735-PLE

o    Dahua DH-SDT5X425x

l  Advanced PTZ:

o    Bolin Technology EXU248F, EXU230NX, EXU420N

o    Hanwha PNM-C34404RQPZ

o    Uniview IPC6424SR-X25-VF

o    Dahua DH-SD5A432XA-HNR


l  General Fixes:

o    With the "Keep camera stream and profile settings" options enabled, if the configured profile was removed from the Camera web page, Server stopped getting the corresponding stream. Now Server changes the video profile to a default one in this case.

o    Server could change time on some cameras even if the "Allow System to optimize Camera Settings" option was disabled. Fixed.

o    Servers could not be updated from 5.1.5 to 6.0 on Ubuntu 18.04. Fixed.

o    The actual pre-recording time for an Event Rule could not exceed 60 seconds even if a greater value was set. Fixed.

o    If the Desktop Client has a newer version than the Server and the Server should be updated, the automatic update did not work and the system required manual upgrade. Fixed.

o    In certain network environments, Cloud merge could fail. Fixed.

o    Some Samba storage locations could not be added to the Server, with the "Invalid storage path" error. Fixed.

o    The custom maxSceneVideoItems parameter could not be set above 64 cameras per layout. Fixed.

l  UI Fixes:

o    After merging Systems, Cloud connection metrics in Web Admin on Linux server were shown incorrectly. Fixed.

o    After the failover occurred, streams from the devices which were switched to another Server did not show up in the Desktop Client (the recording still worked fine). Fixed.

o    The Desktop Client stopped playing sound on the Layout item when a zoom window was created. Fixed.

o    Cloud layouts (Shared layouts) were not properly displayed after saving. Fixed.

o    Administrators could not modify group membership/permissions for some Cloud accounts. Fixed.

o    When using hotspots, streams from devices could flip upside down. Fixed.

o    Non-power users could not add shared layouts on Showreel. Fixed.

o    The Desktop Client could freeze after displaying video streams for a long time (~24 hours). Fixed.

o    The Desktop Client running on Intel HD Graphics could freeze when hovering over the Resource Tree. Fixed.

o    On some H265 MPEG-TS streams, the Desktop Client displayed a gray overlay over a video. Fixed.

o    Multi-video exported files could display "NO DATA" on some items. Fixed.

o    Calendar on the timeline was displayed incorrectly if the first day of a week in the OS settings was not Sunday. Fixed.

o    On NVidia GPU, with the hardware acceleration enabled, the image quality degraded when applying dewarping and zooming on fisheye cameras. Fixed.

o    JPG files did not open when hardware decoding was enabled. Fixed.

o    On Mac OS, a Context Menu did not show up when performing a right click on any item in the top left corner (Device Tree). Fixed.

o    Non-owner local and cloud users could periodically disconnect from System. Fixed.

o    Time positions could go out of sync between cameras on big layouts after opening an item in full-screen mode. Fixed.

o    The object search menu text displayed incorrectly on Chinese localization. Fixed.

o    IP addresses in the device list were sorted incorrectly. Fixed.

o    Texts in some menus (i.e. User Management) were displayed incorrectly if the "Roboto" font was installed in the OS. Fixed.

o    The cell aspect ratio of the Alarm layout unexpectedly changed to 16:9 when it was triggered during the Showreel mode. Fixed.

o    The "Apply" button in the "Local Settings" dialog was active even if no changes were modified. Fixed.

o    Custom permission groups in the target system could disappear after the merge. Fixed.

o    On some localizations, the LDAP dialog texts were displayed incorrectly. Fixed.

o    The Desktop Client failed to restart in compatibility mode 6.0 -> 4.2. Fixed.

o    The Desktop Client did not open the linked camera when clicking on the corresponding hyperlink at the event log page. Fixed.


l  Added new function /rest/v{3-}/devices/{deviceId}/ptz/limits. to retrieve the Device PTZ limitations.


l  Server HTTP API:

o    In the response of the function /rest/v{2-}/devices/*/searches, the target field may take url as a value.

o    In the functions /rest/v3/devices/{id}/media/rest/v3/devices/{id}/media.{format}, and /rest/v3/devices/{id}/webrtc, added new query parameter aspectRatio.

o    Parameter limit for the function /ec2/analyticsLookupObjectTracks might work incorrectly if the video archive for the camera is stored on multiple Mediaservers.


l  Added option to skip aspect ration setting in MediaSettings to avoid transcoding.

l  The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header returned by the HLS streaming API now respects the configured setting.

l  Fixed "invalid storage path" issue when SMB network storage is added.

l  Fixed admin accounts ability to modify group membership and permissions for select cloud sync accounts.

l  In REST API functions /rest/v{1-}/webPages' the parentId parameter has been restored.

l  Fixed maxSceneVideoItems` setting to control the maximum number of items in the layout.

l  Stub analytics Plugin, Engine "Object Streamer": Fixed occasional crash when applying settings.


l  Building sample plugins included with the Metadata SDK package with GCC 7.5 might fail on ARM devices. Newer GCC versions work fine.




DW Spectrum Release note for
















DW Spectrum Release Note for


l  Support for Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 will be discontinued in the next major release (6.0/Gen6).



l  Improved stability when the network connection between System components is poor.



l  Improved notifications and event management with GANZ cameras.

l  Bookmark search by tags is improved.

l  Dahua ITC413 is updated to support traffic detection events.

l  Dahua LPR models updated for recent firmware changes.

l  On Hikvision DS-2CD2687G2HT-LIZS, the motion events were triggered instead of "intrusion detection" or "line crossing", causing recording issues. Fixed.

l  Hikvision DS-2CD2047G2H-LIU devices did not detect vehicles. Fixed.



l  Newly Supported Devices:



o    Osiris OS-I3-EENS8M-MST.

o    Hikvision DS-QAZ1325G1T Network Speaker.

o    Axis P3738-PLE.

l  Encoders added to the analog list:

o    Mazi HAVR-08LT.

l  Multisensor Cameras:

o    Hikvision DS-2TD4137, DS-2DE3A404IWG. DS-2CD6D44G1H, DS-2SE7C144IW.

o    Raysharp CT252N6TNB.

o    Uniview UV-IPC94144SR, TIC2621SR-F3-4F4AC-VD.

o    Arecont Vision AV32576RSIR.

l  Advanced PTZ:

o    i-PRO WV-X66300-Z3/Z3L, WV-X66300-Z4/Z4L, WV-X66600-Z3/Z3L, WV-X66700-Z3/Z3L.

o    Dahua SD5A225XAN-HNR, SD6C3425GB-HNR-A-PV1, IP-2PT-4IZ25B, SD49425GB.

o    Pelco Spectra Enhanced D6230.

o    Hikvision DS-2SF8C442MXG-ELW.

l  Devices Specific Fixes:

o    Zenitel Intercom:

-          Zenitel TCIS-3 device experienced interrupted audio when viewed in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

-          Zenitel TMIS-1 and TCIS-3 digital input events and audio were delayed in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

o    Axis:

-          The secondary stream of an Axis M2036-LE camera was not set when multiple devices were present. Fixed,

-          Axis P3719PLE camera displayed intermittent recording of an H.265 stream. Fixed.

-          Axis C1310E devices toggle between online and offline state. Fixed.

-          Axis D3110 was recognized as a camera when only outputs were configured. Fixed.

-          Axis P8221 I/O module displayed an "unauthorized" error message when the correct credentials were provided. Fixed.

o    Bosch

-          Bosch Dinion 5100 iR was not discovered but can be added. Fixed.

-          Fixed interrupts in recording on Bosch DINION 7100i.

o    Fibaro intercoms did not stream MJPEG over HTTP after manual addition. Fixed.

o    Hikvision iDS-6716HUHI-M NVR supports Onvif PTZ.

o    Some ONVIF input events from Digital Watchdog cameras were not logged by the Server, Fixed.

o    Some Vivotek cameras with new firmwares could not be authenticated after reboot. Fixed.

o    Fixed dual-streaming issues with Amcrest IP4M-1082E.

o    Video imported from Lilin Z3R8922H camera was not added to the archive. Fixed.

o    On Dahua X82B3A NVR, not all channels were properly discovered. Fixed.



l  If a "Camera Recording" action was set up with pre-recording time on a source camera, the actual pre-recording time was incorrect. Fixed.

l  Bookmark filtering by tags did not work if a tag contained the # symbol. Fixed.

l  On large storage arrays (60TB+), the data could take up all the space ignoring the "Reserve space" value. Fixed.

l  On network disconnection failover, the fallback Server took over all the cameras within the system before releasing all cameras to their original Servers. Fixed.

l  Server would repeat actions or duplicate notifications for One-time Analytic Object triggers. Fixed.

l  The "Push My Screen" option was missing for newly created Video Walls. Fixed.

l  Non-admin users did lose the ability to view a camera in a shared layout if the camera was replaced. Fixed.

l  All windows displayed the same timestamp after a preview search was complete. Fixed.

l  A Cross-System layout could display a loading notice after hours of streaming from another system. Fixed.

l  Third-party Cylance Memory Protection software running on the same machine could cause the Desktop Client instability. Fixed.

l  Object search on Any camera only worked for devices connected to the current Server. Fixed.

l  Systems running on Raspberry Pi could become unstable or reboot after extended use. Fixed.

l  Web Admin:

o    Link icons were not shown for some links in the Settings tab. Fixed.

o    Cloud user was shown incorrectly in Web Admin if the Email contained the substring "null". Fixed.

o    Licenses block was missing on the Licenses page in Web Admin UI. Fixed.

o    A password was required to open the API documentation in Web Admin even if a user had been already authenticated. Fixed.

o    In Web Admin, an archive storage could be selected to store Analytics DB (it should not be possible). Fixed.



l  The Sample Plugin from Metadata SDK could cause the Server crash. Fixed.

l  API requests did not work if proxying was set up and the request was addressed to the proxy server. Fixed.

l  Video could not be played back over WebRTC through a relay behind NAT. Fixed.

l  If an event was called by API (using "createEvent" with the "eventResourceId" parameter), its parameters were not propagated into the action configured in the corresponding Event Rule and no action occurred. Fixed.

l  The backup database filename was missing the "manual" postfix when the backup was initiated by API. Fixed.



l  Windows 8.1, 10/Enterprise,11, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 v1607, 2019, 2022

l  Ubuntu LTS: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

l  macOS: 11.0 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey), 13 (Ventura)



Build Number: 39242

Password: 95c6iu



DW Spectrum Release Note for


l  Support for Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 will be discontinued in next major release (version 6.0 / Gen6).

l  Minimum Microsoft OS version for DW Spectrum 6.0 will be Windows 10 / Server 2016.

l  Minimum CPU for DW Spectrum 6.0 will be Intel 7th Gen.Processors



l  Improved support for Nvidia T1000 graphics cards in multiple monitor, multiple tile configurations

l  DW Spectrum Client supports all the languages supported in the Global version.

o    Catalan, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Dutch (Netherlands), Dutch (Belgium), English (UK), English (US), Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese



l  Event Post-Recording time did not correspond to the value specified in the Event rule. Fixed.

l  VCA analytics is enabled on Videosec cameras.

l  If the recording schedule was not set on a device, object search was unable to find some objects. Fixed.

l  The Objects Tab was not shown when the Sample Plugin was enabled. Fixed.

l  The Rules engine would reset the chosen Object Type for the "Analytic Object Detected" event. Fixed.

l  Event Rules Engine did not allow setting a pre- and post-recording time for one-time, fixed duration Events. Fixed.

l  If "Declare additional event types" was enabled on the "Stub: Events" plugin then the event types were not displayed in the Event Rules Engine. Fixed.



l  Newly Supported Devices:

o    Provision ISR DMA-340IPENx

o    Karel NBE-454Zu-25

o    Hikvision DS-2TD4237

l  Encoders added to the analog list:

o    Winic AR324x DVR

o    Dahua N84B5N, N82B3P

o    Clinton Electronics CE-E04HDA, CE-E16HDA

l  Multisensor Cameras:

o    Axis P3737PLE

o    Hikvision DS-2SE7C432MW-AEBx

o    Avigilon 32c-h5a-4mh

o    Raysharp RS-CT252N6TNB, TB2XTH36IP5

l  Advanced PTZ:

o    Hikvision DS-2TD4228-10/W


o    Dahua 5A445XANR

o    i-PRO WV-S66300-Z3L,WV-S66300-Z4,WV-S66300-Z4L, WV-S66600-Z3L, WV-X86530-Z2_PTZ, WV-X86531-Z2_PTZ, WV-S66600-Z3, WV-S66700-Z3, WV-S65302-Z2, WV-S65340-Z2, WV-S65301-Z1, WV-B-S-U65300-ZY, WV-U61300-ZY, WV-S65340-Z, WV-S61501-Z1, WV-S65501-Z1, WV-S61302-Z4

l  Device Specific Fixes:

o    If the "Allow System to optimize camera settings" option was disabled, stream profiles were still created on Axis cameras. Fixed.

o    Camera profile (stream resolution) was not properly handled on Axis analog cameras. Fixed.

o    Bosch FLEXIDOME 5100i IR object "Vehicle" received as "unknown". Fixed.

o    Provision ISR DMA-340IPEN-28 duplicated primary stream. Fixed.

o    On Milesight cameras, the Desktop Client notifications triggered by camera events could have incorrect timestamp. Fixed.

o    On Sharp YK-P02AG, Server configured the low-resolution stream as the primary one, and did not configure the secondary stream. Fixed.

o    DAHUA DHI-VTO2202F-P could not be discovered manually. Fixed.

o    Some Hanwha cameras were discovered and configured through Onvif with the primary resolution lower than expected. Fixed.

o    Pelco VS1NN60 could not be discovered properly. Fixed.

o    2N SIP horn speaker entered an online/offline loop. Fixed.

o    The Axis I8116 intercom was duplicated in the Resource Tree. Fixed.

o    Alarm input and thermal sensor were not enabled for TVTH-S01-0001-BUL-G. Fixed.

o    The input signal on KO1 ITXAI CSB2-2M4P-1IMARH was not detected. Fixed.

o    CSG cameras were discovered with an incorrect vendor name. Fixed.



l  In some cases, RTSP streams could enter a continuous online-offline loop after the RTSP stream goes offline. Fixed.

l  Sometimes, the Desktop Client could experience connection drops with Server when connected over a slow network. Fixed.

l  Audio could not work properly on some Edge devices when onvif_replay=true and audio were enabled. Fixed.

l  On certain cameras, the recorded footage could have playback issues when camera recording was triggered by the "Analytic Object Detected" trigger. Fixed.

l  Cloud systems can disconnect from the Cloud in some network environments. Fixed.

l  A locked Video Wall can be closed from the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Cross-System Layout that contained items from different Systems could close in case of the cloud connection interruption. Fixed.

l  The Desktop Client allowed replacing camera streams on a Video Wall tab even if the the layout was locked. Fixed.

l  After closing a Camera on a Video Wall, or after significant time passes, the layout settings can be changed. Fixed.

l  The Desktop Client could crash if using a joystick. Fixed.

l  Some streams from TestCamera could not be recorded and stored properly. Fixed.

l  Multisensor video exported in the NOV format triggered unnecessary transcoding instead of using the source codec. Fixed.



l  Windows 8.1, 10/Enterprise,11, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 v1607, 2019, 2022

l  Ubuntu LTS: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

l  macOS: 11.0 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey), 13 (Ventura)



Build Number: 38659

Password: dad62j



DW Spectrum Release Note for


l  Mobile Clients 22.4 and prior are incompatible with DW Spectrum 5.1.x

l  Support for Microsoft Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Windows Server 2012 will be discontinued soon.

l  Minimum Microsoft OS version for DW Spectrum 6.0 will be Windows 10 / Server 2016.

l  Minimum CPU for DW Spectrum 6.0 will be Intel 7th Generation.Processors


l  The Desktop Client stability improved for laptops with Mac M2 processors.

l  If Cloud is unstable, currently connected Cloud users would be disconnected from their systems after 10 minutes. Now the timeout is increased to 6 hours.

l  Cloud Merge is much more stable in the environments with a poor connection between Servers.

l  Server stability improved (crashes / memory leaks fixed).


l  The Desktop Client on Microsoft Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 incorrectly displayed analytic objects captured by a camera. Fixed.


l  Digital Watchdog

o  DW-ENC4K16 encoder.

l  High-res and Low-res streams were mixed up on the Dahua DHI-VTO2202F-P camera and the Dahua DHI-VTO2101E-P-S2 intercom. Fixed.

l  Alarm input events are now supported for TRUVISION TVTH-S01-0001 series

l  Alarm input events are now supported for Hikvision DS-2CD2326G2, Hikvision DS-2CD2347G2H

l  Axis P1468 and M3216 were duplicated during auto-discovery. Fixed.

l  Encoders added to the analog list:

o    DW ENC4K16

o    Dahua N54B5N added to resource data to enable encoder license usage. Fixed.

o    Hikvision DS-7604NXI-K1 NVR added as an encoder. Fixed.

l  Advanced PTZ:

o    Saved positions and tours did not work for Bosch Autodome 5000 camera. Fixed.

o    i-PRO WV-S61301-Z2, WV-U65301-Z1 WV-B61301-Z1, WV-B61300-ZY, WV-B65301-Z1, WV-S61300-ZY.


l  Multisensor cameras:

o    Truvision TVTH-S01-0002-BUL-G

o    Dahua DHI-TPC-DF1241x, DHI-TPC-BF5441x, DH-TPC-BF2120

o    Axis f44x, f9114, P4707x, P4705x


l  DW stitched lens cameras did not show Smart Motion chunks that were recorded. Fixed.


l  PTZ tour could stop when a user opened another camera on the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  If the Motion tab (on the right panel) had been activated by a Hotkey in the Desktop Client, it was displayed by default after restart (instead of the Notifications tab). Fixed.

l  Video playback speed would slow and then increase when switching between layouts. Fixed.

l  The SOAP header was missing for some Server requests. Fixed.

l  After upgrading to 5.1.0, the Bookmark Log search did not display bookmarks created in version 5.0. Fixed.

l  The layout background image did not show up in the Video Wall mode. Fixed.

l  LDAP user failed to authenticate when opening a new window from the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  The recorded footage was updated with the significant delay while the cursor was dragged over the timeline. Fixed.

l  The microphone icon was disabled in the Desktop Client when using redirected two-way audio. Fixed.

l  The "Camera does not support PTZ" message was incorrectly displayed when controlling a de-warped fisheye camera with a joystick. Fixed.

l  In rare cases if a Server had more than one storage and they shared the same file location, they were reported as disabled on the Desktop Client and reserved on Web Admin upon server restart. Fixed.

l  If using Cross-System Layouts, the Server could become unresponsive after some time when running on port 7001. Fixed.

l  The in-client browser could not process the login screen for some web applications that requested certain permissions (i.e. "Enable Desktop Notifications"). Fixed.

l  Starting 5.1.2, the exported video with timestamps had incorrect length (shorter). Fixed.


l  Added the maxAnalyticsDetailsDurationS parameter to analyticsLookupObjectTracks.

l  The result description for /ec2/analyticsLookupObjectTracks was added to the API Documentation.

l  Chinese characters were misinterpreted in the JSON reply on the /ec2/saveEventRule handler. Fixed.

l  The Server had a broken manifest in the Stub: Events sub-plugin. Fixed.

l  Analytics AP returned wrong coordinates for Line and Polygon. Fixed.

l  The Server responded incorrectly on the /bookmarks REST API omitting the creationTimeMs parameter. Fixed.

l  The description for /api/createEvent is clarified in the API Documentation.


l  Windows 8.1, 10/Enterprise,11, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 v1607, 2019, 2022

l  Ubuntu LTS: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

l  macOS: 11.0 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey), 13 (Ventura)

In-Client Upgrade:


Build Number: 38363

Password: lszxqn


DW Spectrum Release Note for


l  Improved MITM protection for Server to Server communication.

l  Cloud Merge improved for some specific network configurations.


l  The Server experienced additional memory load in case of an analytics event search involving a query for data that contained a lot of text. Fixed.

l  Intrusion detection on Hikvision DS-2CD2346G2-I was not detected. Fixed.

l  Analytics objects search improved.

l  Bosch IVA analytic events were not triggered. Fixed.

l  Vivotek ANPR submenu was not displayed under the Plugin page. Fixed.

l  Boundary boxes and Attribute information disappeared too fast while viewing the stream from Dahua cameras. Fixed.



l  Digital Watchdog


l  Axis:

o    С1210, C1211, C1510, C2005, and C8110 were recognized as cameras or I/O modules, instead of horn speakers. Fixed.

o    C1310E/C1211E went offline after updating to AXIS OS 11. Fixed.

o    Axis Q1656-DLE took an incorrect resolution for the second channel (radar). Fixed.

l  Hikvision:

o    DS-7332HUI-K4 did not stream any video. Fixed.

o    Not all channels for Hikvision 7216HUHI were added. Fixed.

o    DS-2CD2387G2-LSU/SL and iDS-2CD7146G0-IZS now support signal input alarm.

o    On Hikvision cameras, the DST settings did not apply when the Server tried to change camera time. Fixed.

l  Added support for IDView iv-de2812cll5mp-ca, iv-8mp180de, iv-def28cll5mp-lt

l  Bositaly BS-IPT4505G3MZx had the alarm output inverted. Fixed.

l  Vivotek MA9321-EHTV did not display all channels. Fixed.

l  FLIR FC-644 series cameras will use Onvif.

l  The "Detect motion during archive import" option was wrongfully available on many cameras. Fixed.

l  Sharp YK-P02AG reported the low-resolution stream as the primary one. Fixed.

l  Encoders added to the analog list:

o    Uniview vs8100-v2, xvr302

l  Advanced PTZ:

o    MS-C5371-X12

o    Digital Watchdog DWC-XPZA series

o    I-Pro wv-b65302-z1/z2 and wv-s61301-z1/z2

o    Panasonic wv-s6530

o    Dahua dh-sd5a432xb-hnr and sd5a445Xa-hnr

o    Vivotek vs8100-v2 PTZ issues are fixed.

l  Multisensor cameras:

o    Avigilon 12W-H3-4MH-DP1-B

o    Hikvision ids-2cd8a46g0-xzhsy, ds-2td4167x, ds-2td4167-50/wy, iDS-2CD7146G0-IZS

o    I-Pro wv-s8543x, wv-s8544x, wv-s8563x, wv-s8564l, wv-s8573x, wv-s8574x, wv-x86531-z2x, wv-x86530-z2x, wv-s85702-f3l, wv-s85402-v2l, wv-u85402-v2l

o    Truvision tvth-s01-0001-tur-g

o    VCA ipai96a10-rf, ipai97a20-mr, ipai98a05-q56



l  The Server could not be installed on DW CaaS because of the missing symlink. Fixed.

l  RTSP stream failed for the DW CP04 encoder since 5.1. Fixed.

l  The DW IVA/Megapix Ai analytic plugin was missing in 5.1.x. Fixed.



l  The Desktop Client could not be launched properly with the "--acs" command line option (this was used in Paxton integrations). Fixed.

l  The Desktop Client's adaptive scaling did not switch correctly when the CPU reached 100%. Fixed.

l  The Desktop Client on Windows could hang when searching through a large number of bookmarks created by analytic events. Fixed.

l  "Open in a new tab" for a camera worked significantly slower in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  In some situations, the Server could freeze during the re-indexation. Fixed.

l  Manually added RTSP multicast stream did not work. Fixed.

l  Shared layouts did not save as expected. Fixed.

l  In some specific cases, the Server could crash after updating from 5.0 to 5.1.x. Fixed.

l  In case of a merged system, Servers the user was not connected to could go offline. Fixed.

l  Cameras with the RTSP Ports previously changed, were displayed as offline. Fixed.

l  Fixed the Incorrect "Replaced camera discovered" notification.

l  Cloud connection was failing after the Server port was changed in WebAdmin or Cloud Client. Fixed.

l  The events were not triggered if a certain camera was selected in event options. Fixed.

l  The "Sync" button on the Timeline switched to disabled after a current layout was saved through the "Save Layout as..." Main Menu item. Fixed.

l  Saved layouts opened with the Sync button disabled after reconnecting to the system. Fixed.

l  USB audio devices could not be initialized on ARM devices with the imx8m CPU. Fixed.

l  Notifications were not sent when metadata could not be saved. Fixed.

l  Could not set a local SMTP Server for Email without an Internet connection. Fixed.

l  The Desktop Client for macOS crashed sometimes while closing. Fixed.

l  RTSP streams with additional parameters were not played in GStreamer. Fixed.



l  When using the 'Try it out' option for /rest/v2/servers/{id}/info in the API documentation, you could not use "this" as a server ID for the API request in the API documentation. Fixed.

l  Description in the API documentation improved for /api/ptz..

l  The "client_id" parameter is introduced in cloud token requests.

l  The stream Server API parameter for /media/{id}.{format} always used the primary stream. Fixed.

l  Fixed the Empty reply for the /api/getCameraParamManifest in the API documentation.

l  After configuring multiple detection areas for the analytics, they disappeared after a certain trigger (doGetSettingsOnActiveSettingChange). Fixed.

l  POST rest/v2/devices provided Error 422. Fixed.

l  The needBestShotImage objectAction capability value was not documented in the metadata_sdk/src/nx/sdk/analytics/manifests.md. Fixed.

l  Layout Locking did not work when Layout was updated via API. Fixed.

l  Server could crash after changing the motion detection mask API request. Fixed.



l  Windows 8.1, 10/Enterprise,11, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 v1607, 2019, 2022

l  Ubuntu LTS: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

l  macOS: 11.0 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey), 13 (Ventura)

In-Client Upgrade:


Build Number: 37996

Password: xiq53b




DW Spectrum Release Note for


l  Mobile Clients 22.4 and older are not compatible with version 5.1.


l  The load time on large systems is significantly improved.

l  Added the HID packet investigation tool for unknown joysticks on MacOS.

l  Improved the discovery mechanism on Edge servers.

l  The link to the User Manual is added to the Main Menu.


l  Multi-sensor cameras:

o    Digital Watchdog DWC-PDS10Wi28A


l  DWC-PF5M1TIR could not be discovered. Fixed

l  The Desktop Client could freeze if controlled through a USB KVM switch. Fixed.

l  Could not set a reserved disk as analytic storage. Fixed.

l  Email notifications about events showed incorrect local IP addresses. Fixed.

l  Desktop Client could crash after clicking the archive on a PTZ Camera added from another System (cross-system layouts). Fixed.

l  Fixed incorrect license count while copying recording schedule across devices.

l  After upgrading the server on arm, errors occurred during login. Fixed.

l  Server could not be uninstalled from Ubuntu/arm devices. Fixed.

l  The "Device offline" event was not triggered. Fixed.

l  Bookmarks could not work as expected after the system merge. Fixed.

l  Yellow chunks (analytic events) were wrongly displayed on Timeline if a small area without any analytic object was selected. Fixed.

l  If a Cloud account contained capital letters, the user could not log into this Cloud account from Desktop and Mobile Client. Fixed.

l  In some networks with isolated servers in different VLANs, if HTTP traffic is blocked by firewall, traffic routed incorrectly. Fixed.

l  Large databases (700+ Mb) could not be restored from backup. Fixed.

l  Could not backup a system database if the user enabled digest authentication. Fixed.

l  Analytics search was slow on large databases when the filter contained camera, type and text parameters at the same time. Fixed.

l  Last file on the archive was corrupted after the Server crash. Fixed.

l  If a layout contained more than 49 cameras. the camera names on video cells were not fully displayed. Fixed.

l  Incorrect start time was calculated when enabling/disabling the "Ignore timezone in uploaded files" option for virtual cameras. Fixed.


l  For network API changes, see the API change log in the WebAdmin documentation.

l  Short nx-vms:// links did not work with a token passed as the authentication parameter. Fixed.

l  API improvements/fixes:

o    HTTP responses of PATCH requests could contain sensitive data. Fixed.



l  Windows 8.1, 10/Enterprise,11, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 v1607, 2019, 2022

l  Ubuntu LTS: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

l  macOS: 11.0 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey), 13 (Ventura)


Build Number: 37512

Password: hm1bi3




DW Spectrum Release Note for (click here for the full Release Note)



Windows 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 or older versions are not supported.



l  Support for DW-BJMIN discontinued.

l  Support for Windows 8.1 will be discontinued in the next release. Systems on Windows 8.1 may not be able to update to the next release.

l  Mobile 22.4 is not compatible with VMS 5.1.

l  Support for Ubuntu 16.04 was discontinued.

l  Support for macOS 10.14 and 10.15 were discontinued.


l  Added Ubuntu 22.04 support.

l  Added MacOS 13 support.


l  Cross-system layouts:

o    Added the ability to view cameras/devices from different Cloud systems on a single layout.

o    Such layouts can only be displayed in the Desktop Client.

o    Cloud users can set up and save such layouts but cannot share them to other users.

o    Cross System layouts cannot be used with VideoWall, Showreels or automated with Rules.

l  Camera replacement:

o    It is now possible to replace a camera with another camera from the same server.

o    Name, archive, general and advanced settings, recording settings, PTZ settings, event rules, analytics and camera access rights will be transferred to a new camera.

o    Motion Detection settings, 2-way Audio will not be transferred.

o    The current archive from the old camera will still be accessible.

o    This action can be undone only when the old camera goes back to online state and Server discovers it.

o    Camera replacement can be done only by Owner and Administrators.

o    Camera replacement is not supported for:

-          Virtual cameras

-          Speakers

-          NVRs

-          IO modules

-          Multi-sensor cameras

-          Unauthorized cameras

-          Offline cameras that appear after reindexing the archive.

l  Added a possibility to download the Desktop Client and Server logs remotely (System Administration -> Logs Settings). Users can configure logging and download logs.

l  Added a possibility to choose the specific ONVIF profile for cameras (the "Expert" tab). The ONVIF profile list is determined ONLY when adding the camera to the server. If reconfigure ONVIF profiles afterwards (on the camera itself), they will not be reflected in the Desktop Client.


l  Min/Max archive retention period is in minutes, hours and days now.

l  Motion DB was moved from the system storage to the archive storage.

l  Server connections to/disconnections from the Cloud are now logged in the Audit Trail.

l  Added a power management setting that allows computers to sleep while the Desktop Client is still open.

l  Showreels no longer display a title bar on top with the camera name.

l  Scheduled database backup has been disabled by default on ARM devices.

l  Added support for MPEG4 RTSP video streams.

l  Bookmarks and object attributes could be found only if a text matched the one from the beginning of the word. Now search can be performed by a text in the middle of the string (3 symbols minimum).

l  Specific ports for viewing a Camera web page can be redefined on the "Expert" tab in Camera settings.

l  The "Do HTTP request" action now supports PATCH requests again (this was possible in 4.2, but due to API upgrade was not implemented in 5.0).

l  The "Use source camera" option is added to all camera-related actions.

l  The sound duration for the "Play Sound" and "Repeat Sound" actions was increased from 10 to 30 seconds.

l  The maximum value for LogicalID is set to 999999.

l  Added a new system notification that local storage is being used for analytic and motion data.

l  Mobile user manual was added to the desktop client installation package.

l  The "Show text overlay" action can show more text.

l  Now users with the Administrator role can initiate the "Create Backup" and "Restore Backup" operations. The "ownerApiForAdmins" Server configuration option is introduced and available in Webadmin (advanced options, default value is false). ATTENTION! This is potentially dangerous and may compromise the system owner!

l  Backup & Restore was moved to the "Advanced" tab of the "System Administration" dialog.

l  If requesting RTSP streams from Server, it is possible to specify Audio Codec parameters.

l  Added the averaged bitrate property for the cameras statistics health report. This information is useful for preparing for the Cloud Storage(SaaS) business model.

l  Introduced the "isFilePathPrefixedWithServerId" Server configuration option (default value of 1). It adds a Server GUID to the archive path when recording new footage. Originally implemented in the 5.0 release. This setting can be changed without losing the archive. VMS Server checks both folders for reading. Users can revert the storage structure back to the old format if desired.

l  Overall server performance was improved:

o   The number of requests being sent by Desktop Client to Server was significantly reduced which should improve performance for big systems.

l  "Do HTTP request" was renamed to "Do HTTP(S) request".

l  Added a general support of all USB joysticks to control PTZ and layouts (Windows Only). Once a joystick is connected to the Desktop Client machine, the corresponding menu item will show up in the Main Menu.

l  Added security presets to the "New System" setup wizard:

o    Standard Security Level:

-          "Encrypt video traffic to desktop and mobile client" is disabled

-          Camera credentials are shown in Camera settings

-          Server IP in shows in API responses

o    High Security Level:

-          "Encrypt video traffic to desktop and mobile client" is enabled

-          Camera credentials are not shown in Camera settings

-          Server IP is not shown in API responses.

l  The max size of the title on the welcome screen was increased up to 60 pixels.


l  Significantly improved performance of:

o    receiving and processing analytics metadata from analytics plugins.

o    disk usage while displaying video chunks with analytics objects and motion on the timeline.

o    analytics objects search.

l  Only attributes supported by devices are shown in the "Advanced search" dialog now.


l  Digital Watchdog pz21m69tx, PVX20WATW, DWC-PPVX20WATW

l  Server ignored timezone and daylight saving attributes while setting the device time via ONVIF. Fixed.


l  When playing an archive with different stream resolutions (low and high), the Desktop Client sometimes did not switch to a secondary stream. Fixed.

l  Enabling a plugin without saving changes (in Camera Settings > Plugins) prevented Plugin Settings from being shown.

l  "Keep camera time settings" on the "Expert" tab was removed for RTSP and HTTP links.

l  The "Ctrl+Enter" hotkey did not work for opening a chosen device in a new layout. Fixed.

l  Drag and drop for multiple local files did not work on Mac OS. Fixed.

l  Opening a zoom window while a video was paused caused the video to playback at high speed. Fixed.

l  Fixed an issue with 2-way audio support for AXIS P8221 on the Mobile Client.

l  Could not connect to cloud systems via the "Other systems" item in the resource tree. Fixed.

l  In-client help could not be opened from the "Add External Storage" dialog. Fixed.

l  The status bar during a Cloud merge sometimes got stuck (displayed "Merge in progress") after the "mergeSystem" API request. Fixed.

l  If a filter was applied when exporting a bookmark from Bookmark Log, it was not applied on the exported video. Fixed..

l  Cloud user was automatically logged out in the Desktop Client if the PC has been in sleep mode more than 12 minutes. Fixed.

l  Event log was not cleaned up according to the "eventLogPeriodDays" setting. Fixed.

l  Fixed an issue with loading live previews for a big archive.

l  After plugging it out and back in, the joystick stopped working in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  The last opened layouts would not open after restarting the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Sometimes, multiple false unsuccessful login attempts showed up in Audit Log if the Desktop Client was left unattended with a logged-in user. Fixed.

l  The Desktop Client could freeze after an Axis joystick was connected to the PC. Fixed.

l  Web Admin showed an incorrect URL in "Camera details" for the RTSP transcoded streams. Fixed.

l  Drag and drop did not work for Web pages on layout within the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Unexpected "Not enough HDD/SDD speed" and "Archive integrity problem" notifications showed up if NAS was disconnected from the network. Fixed.

l  Unreachable system names were displayed as Active on the welcome screen in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Could not select multiple resources with Shift in some dialogs (Events/Actions, User Roles etc). Fixed

l  The Desktop Client could freeze while closing a big amount of layouts. Fixed.

l  The "Post recording" setting did not work. Fixed.

l  Screenshots were missing from Email notifications. Fixed.

l  Could not add an administrator user after the ownership transfer process. Fixed.

l  Fixed an issue with incorrect timestamps for videos exported via Cloud Portal.

l  AAC audio could not be played back when browsing a video archive on the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Fixed an issue that prevented cameras from being dragged and dropped between groups within the Resource Tree.

l  Desktop Client would crash when hiding the calendar after searching on the Motion tab by selecting an area and multiple dates on the calendar. Fixed.

l  Desktop could crash while running a showreel with 49+ layouts with 49+ cameras each. Fixed.

l  Fixed Server crash and increased CPU usage when fetching RTSP from Arecont Vision cameras.

l  Motion could not be disabled by hotkey if it was enabled by hotkey. Fixed.

l  Playback could freeze for several seconds when rewinding the archive within the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  The live stream became intermittent in some systems if a backup storage was used. Fixed.

l  PTZ preset names in Korean could not be displayed in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Server could crash or work with degraded performance if using an SMB storage with poor bandwidth. Fixed.

l  The "&" symbol in layout or local file names was not shown in titles. Fixed.

l  Files exported to .TS and .MKV format from USB cameras did not contain sound. Fixed.

l  VMS Server will no longer send ONVIF requests to cameras if auto discovery is turned off and the camera is registered with another server in the System.

l  The RAM size for RPI4 was displayed incorrectly in the VMS Web Admin. Fixed.

l  The Desktop Client failed to connect to Cloud Systems that were unreachable through the Cloud, even if they were available locally. Fixed.

l  Added support for AAC codec for video export to MP4.

l  The Desktop Client would sometimes crash on M1 Mac devices. Fixed.

l  Added support for SET_PARAMETER method of RTSP protocol.

l  Certain cameras sometimes got deleted from the System after merging two Systems. Fixed.

l  The "Setup New System" dialog did not show up if the certificate validation was disabled in the Desktop Client (local settings). Fixed.

l  Desktop Client or Server could crash when saving a backup file bigger than 400Mb. Fixed.

l  Web Admin might cause increased Server memory usage on big systems. Fixed.

l  The "Object" tab was not shown after reindexing an archive with objects. Fixed.

l  After creating a new user role and assigning resources they were not accessible by this role members. Fixed.

l  Bookmarks tooltip disappeared instantly after displaying. Fixed.

l  Bookmarks were disappearing from the timeline after searching by keyword at the right panel. Fixed.

l  Fixed an issue with layout sorting in the Resource Tree.

l  Incorrect OS version showed at the web admin interface for the servers running on Windows Server 2019. Fixed.

l  Backup footage was not updated during backup. Fixed.

l  If detach a single Server from the System, multiple servers could be detached instead. Fixed.

l  Server could hang after some time because of token authorization. Fixed.

l  Server could lose Cloud connection after some time. Fixed.

l  Fixed incorrect shortcut hints for the buttons on scene items.

l  The Showreel mode caused excess memory usage on the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Joysticks stopped working in the Desktop Client if unplugged and plugged back in. Fixed.

l  The distributor name in the Support Signature field was not shown on the license dialog in the Desktop Client. Fixed.

l  Sometimes the "Input on any camera" event stopped working after camera removal. Fixed.

l  It was impossible to enable digest authorization for users imported from an LDAP server. Fixed.

l  Server could crash while adding IPC-F20M camera. Fixed.

l  Fixed an issue with camera recording, which could lead to system freeze.


l  For network API changes, see the API change log in the WebAdmin documentation.

l  The following abilities added to the In-Client Browser JavaScript API:

o    Get cloud and user token

o    Set Locked/Unlocked layout settings

o    Hide top menu controls (back button, refresh button, fullscreen, info).

l  API improvements/fixes:

o    Many old API methods are ported to the new CRUD REST API.

o    Users with the "Live Viewer" permission only could get the list of storage locations via API. Fixed.

o    It's allowed to omit unnecessary layout item id in /ec2/saveLayout handler.

o    Additional symbols were added when copy/paste from/to swagger web interface. Fixed.

o    The crop parameter provided in the /ec2/cameraThumbnail API did not work. Fixed.

o    Fixed an issue that caused the audio backchannel API (api/http_audio) not to play audio files.

o    The "timezoneUtcOffset" property was removed from the legacy Server API.

o    API rest/v1/servers/this and ec2/saveStorage allowed setting SMB storage for the analytics engine. Fixed.

l  Active Plugin Settings:

o    Ability to define some settings as Active. This allows changing settings model and values on-the-fly, depending on what is selected in the UI. E.g. status checks, changing from imperial to metric units, etc.

l  Plugin Settings improvements:

o    buttons, that can open Web Page or custom form

o    non-editable hyperlink element

o    password field type

o    placeholder

o    information banner

o    plugin settings shown right after plugin (device agent) activation (limitation: Active settings won't work before activation)

l  JS API Improvements

o    Ability to get user authentication info

o    Ability to lock/unlock layouts

o    Minimal interface mode, that allows integration to look more native (hiding browser controls)

o    Ability to open a Web page from plugin settings.


l  Desktop client could freeze for a short period of time when dialogs are opened.


l  Windows 8.1, 10/Enterprise,11, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016 v1607, 2019, 2022

l  Ubuntu LTS: 18.04, 20.04, 22.04

l  MacOS: 11.0 (Big Sur), 12 (Monterey), 13

l  Raspberry PI 3 Model B V1.2 Kernel version 4.14 (Linux 9.4 (Stretch))

l  Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Raspbian 10 Buster.


Build Number:









DW Spectrum Release Note for (click here for the full Release Note)

Important Changes

Breaking Changes and Known Issues


Operating System Platform Changes


New Features

Servers exchange certificates on merge and validate them on every connection


System Improvements


Analytics and Device Improvements



API/SDK Changes


Known Limitations


Tested Operating Systems:


Important Notes

When upgrading from a previous major release version, please consider the following:



Additional Recommendations

When upgrading major release versions, like from v4.x to v5.0, it his highly recommended to clean up the database by backing up and restoring the database files after upgrading.

To do so after upgrading to DW Spectrum IPVMS v5.0:

1)      After upgrading to v5.0, backup DW Spectrum System database.

2)      Delete all database files.

3)      Restore the database using the backup that was created previously in Step 1.


In-Client Upgrade Information


**NOTE: If your DW Spectrum System is upgrading from a previous Windows x64 Client/Server Bundle, be sure to continue using the bundled version. Updating by installing the Client or Server software separately can cause your computer to host multiple versions of the DW Spectrum software and may create issues.




DW Spectrum Release Note for here for the full Release Note)



All users must update to the v20.1 or higher Mobile release in order to be able to connect to a 4.1 or later System via the Mobile Client. Mobile Clients v19.6 or earlier will not be able to access Systems running v4.1 or later.



Mac OS X 10.11, 10.12, 10.13 support is dropped: Desktop Client will not work on these OS versions.(from v4.1)







o    All models with supported analytics.

o    All models with supported analytics.

o    BX-341IPE

o    I4-340IPE-36, I4-340IPE-:VF, I6-340IPE-MVF

o    DAI-340IPE-28, DAI-340IPE-MVF

o    DI-340IPE-28, DI-340IPE-MVF

o    DMA-340IPE-28.







* Always backup the database and license key information before upgrading to newer build or version

������� ** Re-index the storage after upgrading to 4.2.















o   1 For Windows 10, recommend i5/i7 processors with 16GB RAM and video card with 4GB or higher RAM













DW Spectrum Release Note for



All users must update to the v20.1 or higher Mobile release in order to be able to connect to a v4.1 System via the Mobile Client. Mobile Clients v19.6 or earlier will not be able to access Systems running v4.1 or later.



Mac OS X 10.11, 10.12, 10.13 support is dropped: Desktop Client will not work on these OS versions.



o    Push Notifications (requires Mobile Client v20.1 or later):

  Rules can be created in DW Spectrum to send Push Notifications to mobile devices.

  Users can receive push notifications from multiple systems and turn on/off notifications for specific systems.

  In order to receive Push Notifications, users must be logged into the Cloud in Mobile Client.

  Users can create custom text for notifications in the Rules Engine via Desktop Client.

o    Health Monitoring - Available in the Server Web Admin interface and Cloud Portal, Health Monitoring provides administrators detailed information about a System�s health, including, but not limited to:

  Alerts - automatically detected / identified problems with a System

  System Info (# of servers, channels, storage located, users, and version)

  Servers (storage detailed state, CPU usage, NICs state, hardware spec, etc.)

  Cameras (online/offline state, resolution, fps, quality, firmware version, etc.)

  Storage Locations (path, server, type, status, read/write rate, size, usage %)

  Network Interfaces (name, server, state, IP address, I/O rates)

  Desktop Clients connected to Servers.

o    New Embedded Browser - Desktop Client now uses a full-featured embedded Chromium browser (v.77.0.3865) to display web pages on layouts:

  Download Files on Web-Page - the embedded browser in Desktop Client now supports downloading and saving files.

  Cameras Web Page in Camera Settings Dialog - camera web pages can now be opened up in the Camera Settings dialog allowing users to configure/access camera web pages inside Desktop Client even when on a different Subnet (i.e., remote connections / outside the LAN / WAN). Server acts like an HTTP(s) proxy from cameras to Desktop Clients.

o    Video Wall Failover - If a Server with Video Wall licenses fails, the video wall continues working for 7 days. After that, it will be blocked with the error message "Not enough licenses".



o    Best Server Selection (while connecting to a Cloud-connected Multi-Server System):

  In prior releases, Desktop Client would connect to a random available server via Cloud. Now Cloud connections are routed through the Server with the best uplink.

  Added the ability for users to specify the preferred Server for connections. The configured Desktop Client will attempt to connect to the preferred Server first, and if it is not reachable, it will detect and connect via the Server with the best uplink.

o    2-way Audio API - Allows third-party web clients to send audio (from client microphone) to and get audio from cameras.

o    Added Time Zone option for Virtual Cameras - Time Zone can now be specified for virtual cameras. If "Time Zone" is set to "Auto", then the time zone is defined by metadata or UTC if there's no time zone specified in the file. If set to "Client", the Time Zone is defined by the desktop client.

o    Server Side Motion Detection improved - False positives detection introduced to increase accuracy of detected motion events (e.g., turning on/off lights or switching camera day/night mode are now likely to be ignored)

o    Additional action parameter placeholders for the "Do HTTP request" action - Placeholders can be added to the HTTP POST request body to be automatically replaced by the corresponding values from Analytics Event parameters. This feature is only applicable to Analytics and Generic Events. Placeholders syntax:

  {event.cameraId} � replaced by the camera ID (e.g., {{{ad1d1b6c-7013-0049-6fd4-ff15450e4716}}})

  {event.cameraName} � replaced by the camera name (e.g., DWC-MB45WiAT)

  {event.eventType} � replaced by the event type (e.g., stub.objectInTheArea or stub.lineCrossing)

  {event.eventName} � replaced by the event name (e.g., Object in the area or Line crossing)

  {event.caption} � replaced by the caption (e.g., �Line crossing - impulse event (caption)�)

  {event.description} � replaced by the description (e.g., "Line crossing - impulse event (description)").

o    Improved MacOS performance and introduced an experimental setting to limit frame rate and reduce CPU load (see Local Settings -> Advanced).

o    Improved cloud connectivity on certain network environments.

o    Added the ability to pin the Timeline in fullscreen mode:

  When the Timeline is pinned it will remain fixed on the screen.

  If the Timeline is pinned in fullscreen mode and the user leaves fullscreen it will be pinned for all cameras on the layout when the user returns to fullscreen mode.

o    Database backups are now categorized into the following types:

  Created after system merge

  Created after updates

  Initiated via API


o    "Camera selection" dialog was optimized for a large systems.

o    Added text search in the "Event log" dialog.

o    "Global Notification Settings" button was removed from the "Show Notification" action.

o    Added .mpegts files to the list of supported files in Desktop Client.

o    It is now possible to disable port 80 on firewalls completely and use port 443 for HTTPS connection.

o    Added the ability to search by object types in the Notification Panel. <param>: <value> returns object where <param> has <value>. For instance, if there are analytic plugins that recognize t-shirt color, gender, and glasses, it is possible to search for analytic events by �T-Shirt: White�, �Gender: Male�, �Glasses: True�.

o    The default playback state of a camera opened from the Notification Panel has changed. Now a camera remains on Pause once opened.

o    Users are now imported from LDAP with their Email addresses.

o    It is now possible to open multiple instances of the Desktop Client by double clicking on the desktop shortcut.

o    Added information about remaining license deactivations on "License details" and "Confirmation" dialog.




o    New Devices Supported with Analog Encoder License:

  Digital Watchdog DW-EN4K16

o    New PTZ camera support







* Always backup the database and license key information before upgrading to newer build or version

������� ** Re-index the storage after upgrading to 4.0.















1 For Windows 10, recommend i5/i7 processors with 16GB RAM and video card with 4GB or higher RAM













o   Upgrading Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS Instruction (Open KB Article)

o   BlackJack MINI Firmware (download link)





DW Spectrum Release Note for



o    H.265 for ONVIF Devices - The H.265 codec is now supported for cameras detected and managed via ONVIF.

o    Layout-as-an-Action - A predefined layout can be opened when an event occurs.

o    Secure Export - .exe, .nov exported files can be protected by a password (option is only available from the Multi-Video export tab on the export dialog).

o    Failover on Storage Failure - Failover now also occurs when all designated storage drives fail on a Server.

o    Virtual Camera - Users can now import offline video files (from wearable cameras, action cams, drones, etc) into archive and associate with a virtual camera which can be used like other cameras in a system.

o    RTSP / HTTP Dual Stream Support - Users can now add two streams when creating an RTSP/HTTP camera which enables dual streaming and adaptive scaling. When a secondary stream is added, the primary stream also becomes modifiable.

o    Webcam Support - Webcams (Built-In and USB) are now supported on Windows, Ubuntu Linux, and Raspbian operating systems with dual-streaming and audio support. Great for demos, operator response recording, and more.

o    Raspberry Pi Camera Support - Install the Server application and add a camera module to turn a Raspberry Pi into a smart IP camera capable of operating on its own or as part of a larger system.






* Always backup the database and license key information before upgrading to newer build or version

������� ** Re-index the storage after upgrading to 4.0.












1 For Windows 10, recommend i5/i7 processors with 16GB RAM and video card with 2GB or higher RAM










o    USB Webcams will only be discovered if they are recognized by the operating system they are installed upon. Windows often automatically installs the driver for USB webcams. Ubuntu Linux typically requires driver / 3rd party software installation in order for a USB webcam to be recognized. (Including built in camera on the notebook and all-in-one PC)




o   Upgrading Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS Instruction (Open KB Article)

o   BlackJack MINI Firmware (download link)




DW Spectrum Release Note for



o    Paxton plugin is back. Note that this plugin will not work with the previous builds. It is necessary to completely update the system to this patch (servers and clients) and then update the plugin. Please provide your customized link to the plugin in the release notes.

o    Relative PTZ move

o    Wearable cameras - video recorded by action or drone camera independent of the VMS can be uploaded and used like any other camera with archive.

o    Secondary stream for generic RTSP/HTTP cameras - it is now possible to add so they can be handled as a regular camera, with dual streaming. Once added, primary stream URL now can be modified.

o    Desktop client - can be launched with a command line parameter to define initial layout.

o    "Set to full screen" and "Exit full screen" actions - added to "Event Rules" engine, so video items can be displayed in full screen mode based on events.

o    API: audio export in HLS tracks is supported

o    Strict layout size limit option - users can customize maximum layout width and height in layout settings.



o    Added DW MTT analytics support with a new firmware (tested with

o    Encoders added to the analog list:

-Dahua: HCVR5104H-S2, DH-XVR5104C-X1, DHI-NVR5432-16P-4KS2E, N52B3P

-Hikvision: DS-7208HQHI-K2+, DS-8116HGHI, DS-9016HUHI

-Novicam TR2116A

-Vicon VLR-ENC-16

-Uniview NVR308-32R-B

o    DW-ENHD16 did not recognize alarm on input. Fixed.

o    Fixed input on K20IC (Hikvision DS-2DF8223 OEM).

o    Hikvision DS-2CD2955FWD-IS failed to stream if audio was enabled and codec was set to g711u. Fixed.

o    AXISD201-S, AXISQ3527, AXISP9106 supported.

o    Multi-sensor cameras added to the list:

-Dahua PSD81602-A360, IPC-HDBW4231F-E2-M

-AXIS P3707, P3709, P3717.

o    Advanced PTZ support added for:

-Dahua PDN6CT230.

o    Encoders added to the analog list:

-Digital Watchdog: DW-ENHD16x,

-Hikvision: DS-6701HFI, D, DS-9804HDT-F1, DS-7732NI-I4, DS-7708NI,

-Dahua: DH-XVR5232AN-X, X24A5L, IPC-HUM8231-E1, DHI-NVR4216-4KS2, DHI-IVSS7024DR-8T,

-Axis: Q7424RMKII,

-Uniview: NVR302-08S-P8, NVR201-04U,


o    Rule �Generic Event - output trigger� sometimes stopped working on ADAM I/O Modules. Fixed.

o    Some channels from Hikvision encoders failed to display. Fixed.

o    EVO-180WxD was discovered with identical URLs for primary and secondary streams. Fixed.

o    Multi-sensor cameras added to the list:

-Avigilon 32C-H4A-4MH-360

-Dahua PSD81602-A360, IPC-HDBW4231F-E2-M

o    Advanced PTZ support added for:


-Dahua SD5022*

o    Encoders added to the analog list:

-Hikvision: DS-8616N-ST, DSS-7204HQHI-F1/N, DS-7104HQHI-F1/N

-Dahua: DH-NVR 5832-16P-4K, DH-NVR 7464, DH-XVR 4116HS-S2, DHI-NVR 4208-8P-4K, DHI-NVR 4104HS-P-4KS2

-Uniview NVR301-08-P8

-LTS Ltn8708k-P8

-Axis P7224


o    AAC audio playback from archive did not work on SONY SNC-VM 600. Fixed.

o    Advanced PTZ support added for:

-Vivotek SD9365/SD9366

-Videotec UCHD-30x-VT

o    Fixed input on Hikvision DS-2CD2155FWD-IS.

o    AV40185 sensor order incorrect. Fixed.

o    Multi-channel video streaming for DW multi-sensor cameras is now available through API.

o    Preview image did not display on the Fisheye tab for DW CaaS Fisheye cameras. Fixed.

o    Hikvision dome 2155 series cameras would not work due to a bug introduced in a previous patch. Fixed.

o    Implemented PTZ control for Pelco cameras on Hikvision DS-7332HUHI-K4 DVR.

o    Input and output supported for DW-ENHD* encoders.

o    Input support for DS-2DF8223I Hikvision

o    BOSCH MIC IP starlight 7000HD/7000i - PTZ presets supported

o    Sony SNT-EP104 Encoder added to the analog list

o    AV40185 - fixed sensors order

o    Fixed flickering on DW Multi-sensor cameras in mobile client

o    Max resolution was not detected correctly for Dahua cameras. Fixed.

o    Forced ONVIF for Acti B915 model

o    Multi-sensor cameras added to the list:

-Hikvision DS-2TD2636, DS-2CD6924F, DS-2CD6D54 and DS-2CD6D24 camera families

-Avigilon 9W-H3-3Mxxx

-Dahua IPC-PDBW8800xxx

-Geovision GV-SV48000

-Secubest NVM3-A16

o    Hikvision 6716 encoder tweaks

o    Hikvision DS-2DE2A204IW-DE3 framerate issue fixed

o    Hikvision DS-2CD2625FWDxxx, HIKVISION|DS-2CD2625FWDxxx, DS-2TD2166xxx - output supported

o    Hikvision OEM (NC328-VBZ) - input supported

o    New Axis models: AXISP1445, AXISP3807, AXISP3235, AXISP3518

o    Advanced PTZ implemented for Uniview IPC6252SR-X22U and IPC6252SL-X33UP

o    New Arecont Vision cameras supported: AV02CID-100, AV12ZMD-401, 08ZMV-300

o    IPC222ER-F36 - input signal supported

o    Snapshot in email on motion detection of DWC-PB6M4T panoramic camera with 3 sensors shows image of one random sensor but black for other sensors. Fixed.

o    Added DW MTT analytics support with a new firmware (tested with

o    New device integrations: A9161 Axis I/O module

o    The following Multi-sensor cameras use 1-channel Pro license: VIVOTEK MA8391*, Axis P3707, Q3708, Q3709, Q6000

o    Advanced PTZ mapping for models: PTZIP762X20IR

o    Increased target bitrate for multi-sensor Arecont Vision cameras in RTSP mode

o    New device integrations: A9161 Axis I/O module

o    The following Multi-sensor cameras use 1-channel Pro license: VIVOTEK MA8391*, Axis P3707, Q3708, Q3709, Q6000

o    Advanced PTZ mapping for models: PTZIP762X20IR

o    Increased target bitrate for multi-sensor Arecont Vision cameras in RTSP mode



o    Cloud connectivity (firewalls and proxy servers) improved.

o    Server was sending requests to manually added cameras/streams even when the auto-discovery option was disabled. Now it keeps sending requests only if Failover is enabled.

o    Server stability improved.

o    Introduced Portuguese and Brazilian-Portuguese language support.

o    Added advanced setting for LDAP timeout.

o    Cloud connectivity improved

o    Squid proxy support for DW Cloud.

o    Minimal buffer size on client for LIVE mode reduced

o    The �Calculate bitrate per GOP� expert setting was forced for some DW cameras. Now default state is �disabled� and can be modified.

o    Improved firewall support (client-server connection)

o    API documentation updated

o    Added support for firewalls that cannot work with HTTP Connection Upgrade (i.e. Barracuda)

o    It is possible to activate more than one EDGE/ARM license on the server

o    Routing Management: only selected network interfaces of the server will be used to deliver video streams to client

o    Slight UX improvements

o    Optimized processing of large bookmark databases (500+ MB size) that could cause system overall instability

o    Added Czech language


Recommended Upgrade Path

o   From 3.0.0 or later:In-client upgrade to 3.2 or fresh install.

o    From earlier versions than 3.0.0: Upgrade to first or do fresh install.

*Always backup the database and license key information before upgrading to newer build or version

** Important: Re-index the database after upgrading to 3.2.0.


In-client Upgrade information

o    Build Number : 28749

o   Password : tqn45u


OS Supported - Media Server

o    Windows: 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Pro/Enterprise, 10 IOT

o    Windows Servers1: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016(build 14393)  (1except Web Server and Storage Server versions)

o    Linux : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

* Important : OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 


OS Supported - Client

o    Windows: 7 Home, 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Standard, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Home/Pro/Enterprise1

o    Windows Servers*: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 (build 14393)  (*except Web Server and Storage Server versions)

o    Linux : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

o    Mac : OSX 10.11, OSX 10.12. OSX 10.13

* OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 

1 For Windows 10, recommend i5/i7 processors with 16GB RAM and video card with 2GB or higher RAM.


Mobile App

o    DW Mobile� App (Cloud connection will be available in future release)

o    DW Spectrum� App 18.x.x

o    DW Site Viewer� App for Apple TV




DW Spectrum Release Note for




- This release does not support Paxton integration. A subsequent build will be made available for Paxton users.



o    Added Ukranian language.



o    Some customers who have 2.6 or prior version of client installed in the C:\Program Files\Digital Watchdog\DW Spectrum\Client folder were not able to launch desktop client after in-client update.

o    Server did not initialize properly If a large storage drive was mounted to server directory.

o    Analytics events did not function as expected for some Hikvision cameras.

o    Italian language icon was missing in the Local Settings Dialog.


Recommended Upgrade Path

o   From 3.0.0 or later :In-client upgrade to 3.2 or fresh install.

o    From earlier versions than 3.0.0: Upgrade to first or do fresh install.

*Always backup the database and license key information before upgrading to newer build or version

** Important: Re-index the database after upgrading to 3.2.0.


In-client Upgrade information

o    Build Number : 20833

o   Password : hffk87

OS Supported - Media Server

o    Windows: 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Pro/Enterprise, 10 IOT

o    Windows Servers1: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016(v1607)  (1except Web Server and Storage Server versions)

o    Linux : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

* Important : OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 


OS Supported - Client

o    Windows: 7 Home, 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Standard, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Home/Pro/Enterprise1

o    Windows Servers*: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 (v1607)  (*except Web Server and Storage Server versions)

o    Linux : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

o    Mac : OSX 10.11, OSX 10.12. OSX 10.13

* OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 

1 For Windows 10, recommend i5/i7 processors with 16GB RAM and video card with 2GB or higher RAM.


Mobile App

o    DW Mobile� App (Cloud connection will be available in future release)

o    DW Spectrum� App 18.x.x

o    DW Site Viewer� App for Apple TV



DW Spectrum Release Note for



o    In-Camera Analytics Support - Users can now use in-camera analytics events when creating rules in the rules engine for Axis, Digital Watchdog, and Hikvision cameras.

o    Enhanced Export - a completely redesigned video export with the ability to burn in watermark logos during export.

o    Custom Camera Logical ID - Users can assign a custom Logical ID in the Camera Settings dialog to create an alias for the Camera ID in server API calls.

o    Archive Integrity Check - Users will receive a notification when viewing any archive which has been modified manually (files moved or deleted in storage archive).

o    Export Bookmarks from Timeline - a button has been added to allow users to export bookmarks directly from the Timeline.

o    Contextual Help Revamp - A fully revamped version of the help manual.

o    Bitrate Throttling - Added the ability to change image resolution and adjust bitrate (fine tuning) for Axis, Acti, Hikvision, and ONVIF devices.



o    New Device support for:

- Axis Q6214, M5054, D2050, Q6124, M5054, D2050, P1367, P1368, F40-Q1765, XF60-Q1765, P40-Q1765, F34, FA54, M5525, Q8742, P1275, Q8741, FA1105, FA4115, P1245, P1265, F1004, M3048, F8804, P3375, F4005, F1025, F1005, Q3517, Q8685, P3374, FA1125, F1015, F1035, Q3504, Q8642, Q8641, XF60-Q2901, XP40-Q1942, XF40-Q2901,P1447, Q3515, P1447, Q3515, M5065, M3058, M3015, P1290, Q6125, M3057, Q1645, Q1647, M5055, M3016, P1280.

- Axis F44 encoder

- Arecont Vision AV08ZMD-300,AV02CID-100,AV05CID-100, AV02CMB-100, AV05CMB-100, AV02CLB-100, AV05CLB-100, AV02CLD-100, AV05CLD-100, AV08CPD-118, AV20CPD-118

- Hikvision DS-7216, DS-2DF6223-CX

- Hikvision 6704 encoder

o    2-way Audio support for:

- Onvif devices

- Sony SNC-CX600,SNC-VM600, SNC-VM630, SNC-VM641, SNC-VB632, SNC-VB642, SNC-WR632, SNC-WR602, SNC-WR630, SNC-EM641

- DW camera line

o    Advanced PTZ support for:


- Securicorp SCL-SDM03MVIR-WD3533X

- DS-2DF8436IX-AELW, DS-2DF8236IZ-AEL, DS-2DE4220W, DS-2DE4220IW, DS-2DE7330IW-AE,DS-2DP1636ZIX-D/236

- Vista VK2-HD30-PM

o    Analog Encoder Licenses support added for:

- Acti V23

- UNIVEW NVR302-16S-P16, NVR302-08S-P8

- Sony SNT-EX104, SNT-EX154, SNT-EP154

- Dahua DHI-HCVR7108H-V2, DHI-HCVR7108H-S2

o    Input/Output fixes for:

- Hikvision DS-2DE4A220IW-DE, DS-2CD2522FWD,DS-2CD2142FWD and OEM�ed versions


o    Ability to Change Image Resolution and Adjust Bitrate (fine tuning)added for:

- Axis

- Acti

- Hikvision

- ONVIF cameras

o    H.265 support for DWC-MTT4Wi36.

o    G.726 audio playback support.

o    G.726 and G711 audio export to mp4 support.

o    FPS limit increased to 10 for Arecont Vision AV12275 and AV12276 cameras.

o    DWC-PVX16W, DWC-PVX16W4, DWC-PVX16W6, DWC-PVX16W28, DWC-PZ21M69T multisensor cameras now have stitched view.

o    DW edge camera support.



o    Redesigned video export.

o    Vulnerability fixes.

o    EULA fixes in Windows installer and server web page.

o    If EULA is updated, it is shown once on client launch and needs to be accepted.

o    Added ability to import missing archive video from Lillin cameras internal storage.

o    Cloud Beta warning has been removed from the System Administration dialog.

o    Events are split into groups in the Event Rules dialog.

o    Added context menu for all local system tiles on welcome page.

o    Improved timeline behavior when motion search is activated.

o    Separated "Web page" tab in "Camera Settings" -> "Advanced" dialog.

o    Automatic database backup is performed prior to systems merge.

o    If multiple cameras do not support chosen event, warning message is displayed.

o    "Export bookmark" button on the timeline.

o    Improved support for multi-sensor cameras (by UI and license).

o    Screen recording is disabled for users without Export Archive permission.

o    Checkbox �Launch video wall when Windows starts� is set by default now.

o    "Do HTTP Request" action improvements: multiple methods are supported (POST, GET, DELETE etc).

o    USB storage support (USB storage is not enabled by default but can be enabled with a parameter in config file).

o    ONVIF is automatically enabled for Hikvision cameras with firmware 5.5 and newer.

o    Increased default secondary stream quality.

o    "Do HTTP Request" action improvements: now user can specify request and authorization type manually.

o    "Make showreel" was moved to the separated block between "Save Layout As" and "Delete" in the context menu.

o    Timemaker behavior UX improvements. Now its movements are more predictable.

o    Playback state, speed, position, and rotation are now saved when a camera is opened in a new tab.

o    Added default cameras sorting in "Add Camera" dialog.

o    Changed text on "Time synchronization" tab.

o    Increased default FPS for "Camera Settings" -> "Recording".

o    Increased Max value for "Camera Settings" -> "Recording" -> "Max Days".

o    Adaptive Scaling was improved.

o    Image quality (High/Low) can be forced and saved separately for any video on a layout.

o    Compression factors for Arecont Vision are tuned. FPS counter should be just as configured in Camera Settings.

o    Audio output over RTSP support for Digital Watchdog cameras.

o    "Camera recording" action in Event Rules now has 9999 seconds limit instead of 3600.

o    Nx Desktop now shows a warning if user is trying to record to a removable drive (USB).

o    Improved context help.

o    �Local files� are no longer automatically expanded in the Resource Tree.

o    An administrator fetched by LDAP can now modify LDAP settings and fetch users.



o    "Delete layout tour" is renamed to "Delete Showreel".

o    "Showreel cycle" is renamed to "Tour Cycle".



o  Improved timeline on Web Client for retina displays.

o  Improved marker fade animation when timeline panel is hidden.

o  Memory leaks in the client on Mac OS High Sierra. Fixed.

o  Several interface windows were always "on top" in Mac OS X. Fixed.

o  "User Settings" window appeared below "System Administration" dialog in Mac OS X. Fixed.

o  Mouse cursor hover stops working in some cases. Fixed.

o  Incorrect message if "Show bookmarks" is enabled. Fixed.

o  Animation of the time marker for NOV files is not smooth. Fixed.



o    DW Analytics.

- Events don't work if VCA and MD events are enabled simultaneously.

- Need to wait for two minutes after event is enabled on camera web page.

- Events work for All zones but don�t work for a specific zone.

- Events stop working if camera CPU is more than 80%.

o    DW MTT Analytics:

- Some events do not work simultaneously on DWC-MTT series cameras.

- Camera sends spurious notifications for some events when settings are changed.

o    Axis analytics. If Axis People Counter is enabled on Axis camera, auto and manual discovery don't work in software. Camera issue.

o    Recorded G.726 audio with 16 Kbit bitrate is not played in archive.

o    Export H.265 to .avi is not supported.


Recommended Upgrade Path

o   From 3.0.0 or later :In-client upgrade to 3.2 or fresh install.

o    From earlier versions than 3.0.0: Upgrade to first or do fresh install.

*Always backup the database and license key information before upgrading to newer build or version

** Important: Re-index the database after upgrading to 3.2.0.


In-client Upgrade information

o    Build Number : 20806

o   Password : payht7

OS Supported - Media Server

o    Windows: 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Pro/Enterprise, 10 IOT

o    Windows Servers1: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016(v1607)  (1except Storage Server version)

o    Linux : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

* Important : OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 


OS Supported - Client

o    Windows: 7 Home, 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Standard, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Home/Pro/Enterprise1

o    Windows Servers*: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016 (v1607)  (*except Storage Server version)

o    Linux : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

o    Mac : OSX 10.11, OSX 10.12. OSX 10.13

* OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 

1 For Windows 10, recommend 6th Generation Intel i5/i7 processors with 16GB RAM and video card with 1GB or higher RAM.


Mobile App

o    DW Mobile� App (Cloud connection will be available in future release)

o    DW Spectrum� App 18.x.x

o    DW Site Viewer� App for Apple TV



DW Spectrum Release Note for



-Cloud (Web)Client - Browser based client now in the Cloud Portal.

-Cloud Data Proxy - In cases where NAT Traversal fails .

-Soft Triggers - Create and add overlaid buttons to trigger System Actions.

-Showreel - Create customizable timed viewing sequences using any resource - cameras, layouts, web pages, offline files, and even server health monitoring.

-Acknowledge and Bookmark - Force acknowledgement and Bookmark by operators before a notification disappears in Desktop client.

-Multicast Stream Support - multicast streams can be added to Server as a camera.

-H265 Support - H.265 codec is now supported!

-API Generator - create HTTP Generic Events or API calls in the For Developers tab of the Web Admin interface.



-Analog Encoder license support added for: Dahua DHI-HCVR Series, Dahua DHI-XVR Series, Dahua X21A2E, Geovision GV-VS2400, Pravis HDR-1600, Samsung Techwin SPE-400, TCAM TCS-300, VIVOTEK VS8102, Unview NVR302-08E-P8

-New Arecont Vision devices supported: 2325, 2326, 3325, 3326, 12375, 12376, 20375

-New Axis devices supported: P3227, P3228, Q1659, Q1942

-ACTi I96

-Advanced PTZ support for Hikvision DS-2DF5220S-DE4/W, Samsung Techwin XNP-6370

-Onvif PTZ presets added for Rhodium RBU-PZ-4461-EB

-2-way audio support for Sony SNC-CX600, Dahua IPC-K15P, Dahua IPC-K35P

-Alarm Input support for Hikvision cameras: DS-2CD2132F-IWS, DS-2CD2655FWD-IZS, DS-2CD2742FWD-IS, DS-2CD2942F-IS, DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZS, DS-2CD63C2F-IS, DS-2DE4A220IW-DE

-Alarm Output support for Hikvision cameras: DS-2CD2132F-IWS, DS-2CD2655FWD-IZS, DS-2CD2742FWD-IS, DS-2CD2942F-IS, DS-2CD4A26FWD-IZS, DS-2DE4A220IW-DE



-LDAP general workflow improvements, secured LDAP is supported, integration with Jumpcloud service.

-RTSP digest authentication support added.

-User can connect to Server with Cloud credentials even if Internet connection is temporary unavailable.

-Active license now can be deactivated right in the Client and applied to another Server.

-User can disable time synchronization with Internet on Time Management tab in System Administration.

-Server can be unmerged from System keeping its database ("Detach Server from System" button in Web Admin).

-Specific users or user roles can be selected as a target for actions in Event Rules.

-Cloud users who has been invited but has not created account yet are marked in Client.

-New event "System drive is full" was added.

-"Device recording" action can be used for instant events with new option "Fixed duration".

-Email notifications optionally can be sent in plain text format.

-Added new Camera Details panel in Web Client.

-Web Client can be open on Mobile devices now.

-Clear storage space mechanism was optimized and improved.

-Added video support for Web Pages in Client (Any video codec pack like "K-Lite codec pack" has to be installed on Client PC).

-"Application Window" mode was removed from Screen Recording options.

-Added "Disable blur" option to the "Advanced" tab of Local Client Settings

-Local files can be renamed from Client resources tree.

-Small interface improvements and UI fixes.

-Incremental expansion of Server API documentation.

-General server stability improvements based on anonymous usage and crash statistics.


Recommended Upgrade Path

- From or later :In-client upgrade to or fresh install.

- From earlier versions than 2.6.0: Upgrade to first or do fresh install.

- Important: Re-index the database after upgrading to 3.1.0.

*Always backup the database before upgrading to newer build or version


In-client Upgrade information

- Build Number : 16661

- Password : x1xoeg

OS Supported - Media Server

- Windows: 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Pro/Enterprise

- Windows Servers1: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2  (1except Storage Server version)

- Linux : Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04

* Important : OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 


OS Supported - Client

- Windows: 7 Home, 7 Standard, 7 Pro, 7 Ultimate, 8/8.1 Standard, 8/8.1 Pro, 8.1 Enterprise, 10 Home/Pro/Enterprise1

- Windows Servers*: any versions of 2008, any versions of 2008 R2, any versions of Server 2012, any versions of Server 2012 R2  (*except Storage Server version)

- Linux : Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04

- Mac : OSX 10.11, OSX 10.12. OSX 10.13

* OS not listed will be not be supported by DW� Tech Support 

1 For Windows 10, recommend 6th Generation Intel i5/i7 processors with 16GB RAM and video card with 1GB or higher RAM.


Mobile App

- DW Mobile� App (CloudBeta connection will be available from Spectrum 3.1)

- DW Spectrum� App 3.0

- DW Site Viewer� App for Apple TV