Who is Our Customer?
Posted by Mark Espenschied on May 01, 2017 in Thought Leadership

Digital Watchdog® sells through distribution, but integrators are our customers.


End-user customer relationships belong to our integrators. We actively protect those relationships.


It is important to us for integrators to understand that we at DW®® have your back.


When a call comes to DW®® Technical Support from an end-user, we refer the call back to the integrator.


When a call comes to DW®® Inside Sales from an end-user, we hand the lead off to a local integrator.


Our promotions, programs and warranties only have value if they increase the profitability of our integrators. We provide value to you, and want to actively help you to provide the best value to your end-user customers.


We have established a Sales Portal to support integrators. Please sign up, take a look around at what is available and give us your suggestions regarding how we can support you even better.


At DW®, we are only successful when we help an integrator to succeed.

Let's partner up!

Complete the form below and a DW® representative will be in touch.

(Looking for technical support? Click here.)