New! DW® 5MP Complete HD Analog Solutions are here!
Posted by Mark Espenschied on Jun 20, 2019 in Technology
Digital Watchdog | Product customer Kit - Complete analog solutions 2019

NEW! VMAX® A1 Plus™ DVRs and Star-Light Plus™ Color in Darkness Cameras
with up to 5MP resolution, our unique C3™ CMS and Event Server —

The VMAX® A1 Plus™ Universal HD over Coax® DVRs
The DVRs offer a seamless upgrade to HD resolution for new ROI from existing coaxial infrastructure with support for HD-Analog and HD-TVI signals up to 5MP, and CVBS up to 960H. Click the icons to learn more.
Recorder and Monitor up to 5MP Resolution AppleTV and Apps for Remote Monitoring Pathfinder™ P2P Up the Coax (UTC) Camera Control
Star-Light Plus™ Universal HD over Coax® 5MP Analog Cameras
Star-Light Plus™ Universal HD over Coax® 5MP cameras deliver Crystal-clear images and support for 5MP HD-Analog, HD-TVI and HD-CVI signals, and analog signals up to 960H. Click the icons to learn more.
Real-time 4MP resolution, up to 20fps at 5MP Star-Light Plus super low-light technology

True WDR Up the Coax (UTC) Camera Control
C3™ Central Monitoring Software
Full-featured yet light-weight, the software delivers simultaneous live views and playback. C3™ CMS provides actionable information in real-time, helping users make more informative decisions as events happen. Click the icons to learn more.
Multiple recorder connections (up to 256 sites) Display up to 144 cameras per monitor Simultaneous live and playback Remote recorder configuration

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